Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Openings: Josh Keyes – “Migration” & AJ Fosik – “Time Kills All Gods” @ Jonathan Levine

Josh Keyes and AJ Fosik unveiled their latest body’s of work at New York’s Jonathan LeVine Gallery this week and with two heavy weights showing together you can believe there was excrement in the air. Keyes’s portion of work is titled Migration and Josh had this to offer up on the subject of his show

Migration and displacement were ideas that continued to surface in my mind while I was painting these images. I was thinking about the effects of climate change and the way some ecosystems that thrive in a specific range of temperatures—like polar or tropical climates—are experiencing a shrinking of their boundaries. Ecosystems that were separate are now slowly merging and overlapping one another, causing disruptions in the food web and increased competition for food and space among species. Some become displaced and are forced to migrate, in order to survive.”

It was good to see many JK favorites make a return, animals such as the alligator, orca whale and polar bear with Stampede, a 10′ x 5′ canvas that is Josh’s largest piece to date acting as the centerpiece. The show will be up until November 19th, so if you’re lucky enough to be in NY definitely make plans to see it.

AJ Fosik who has been highly visible as of late with the release of Mastodon’s new LP The Hunter which Josh created the cover art for shared with us his new collection titled  'Time Kills All Gods.' The new totems  that are created from completely sustainable lumber sources continue the theme of animalistic trophies with some interesting departures for the artist including a large scale installation piece, some free standing mantle works and a series of more subdued hand sculptures. The sheer size of these things are quite impressive in person. 

The collections will be shown from October 22, 2011 through November 19, 2011

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